Activities of SIS
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Published on Friday, 12 June 2009 11:41
Since 1981, the society has been regularly organising annual conventions and conferences with a view to bring together professionals from various sub disciplines of information science on a common platform so that they could share their views, experiences and achievements to enrich their knowledge and enhance their professional competence. | First national convention and conference of the society was held in 1981 at Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad. The discussions and presentations of papers were held under three sessions. | i) Information : A Vital Resource in National Building | ii) Mapping of contours of Information Science | iii) Trends in Information Analysis. | The topics for subsequent annual conferences were: | a) Design and Development of Distributed Data Banks; b) Adopting Information Technology for Socio-economic Developments; c) Need for National Information Policy; d) Use of Microprocessors in Information Analysis and Library Applications; e) Online Information Processing through Mini-and-Micro Computers; f) Scientific Communication, Bibliometrics / Informetrics; g) Information as an essential input for Transformation of Society; h) S&T Information Management in India; i) Current Trends in Information Technology; its impact on Information Science in India j) Perspective of Multimedia Information Services in India; k) Consortia Approach for Content Sharing Among Libraries ( SIS-2002 l) SIS-2010 (27th Annual Convention and Conference) ON "OPEN ACCESS : Gateway to Open Innovation" During 24-26 November, 2010 at Kolkata, West Bengal and m) Patinformatics (2009 & 2011-12) ) One of the ambitions of the Society is to serve as a forum where the information handlers and the information users could sit together and discuss the type, the quality, nature and extent of information service required in the present day nation building. With these motives the Society has been organizing various refresher courses, skill development programmes and professional advancement seminars for the benefit of practicing library and information professionals on various aspects of information practicing library and information professionals on various aspects of information activities. Some of the areas where the Society has conducted workshops and courses are: | • Computer Application for Bibliographical Control of Information (1978) • Use of Word Processor (1983, 1984) • Information Technology (1983) • Reprographic Technology and Services (1984, 1985) • Computer Programming: Basic (1985) • Agricultural Information Management (1988) • Biomedical Information Management (1988) •Technical Communications | | Some of these courses and workshops were organized in collaboration with government agencies and research laboratories, namely, NIC, CDRI, NCEAR, CENDIT, IMTECH, NISSAT. Etc. Visualising the importance of ‘Information' in development a rapid growth of ‘Information Technology' MAIT (Manufacturers Association for Information Technology) was formed by the Society in 1983. The Society for Information Science for the first time organized a Training Programme on Internet : Services, Resources and Web Page Creation in collaboration with Central Library, IIT Delhi from 28-30 th . June, 1999 at IIT Delhi. The training programme was designed to train the librarians and information specialists, not only in the art of searching Internet for useful electronic resources, but also to design their own web pages including useful links to resources available on the web for their respective libraries. The programme attracted about 30 participants from all over Delhi. |